Access Hollywood
January 31, 2001
Hollywood (Nancy O'dell): Well Freddie isn't only Head over Heals
at the box office. He's also Head over Heals in real life with
girlfriend Sarah Michelle Gellar. The two are teaming up on the
big screen, but it's the constant rumors about their relationship
that has Freddie firing back.
There's no public relationship, what we want public is public
and what we want private is private. According to the newspapers
we've been married, enganged, broken up, I think she's having
a baby, I think I'm having a baby. You know it's like--I bought
her a 2 million dollar right? Are you crazy?
Despite blowing off tabloid reports, the newly blonde Freddie
Prinze Jr. does talk about once again working with his real life
girlfriend Sarah Michelle Gellar in the Warner Bros. live action
adaptation of Scooby Doo.
Our chemistry is awesome. I love her for being such a great actress.
She gets to be fustrated and I get to drive her crazy in the movie,
because Fred is the most egotistical guy in the world.
And what about those blonde tresses?
It's not just for my own personal choice. It's for Scooby Doo.
I'm Fred Jones. I dig it. I like it a lot. I like the way it looks,
it looks different. The only time I don't like it is when I have
to get my roots done. You just sit there and there's nothing to
do man. They give you a manicure. I'm like "I'm a MAN, I
don't get manicures" and then you start biting your nails
to show them how tough you are, but it doesn't work, it just makes
you feel just really lame.
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