Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2001
|| posted by: webmaster
After much demand, the Freddie Prinze Jr. Message
Board is finally up:

Sunday, Nov. 18, 2001
|| posted by: webmaster
Doo new trailer and poster is up online trailer
| poster
new candid photos of Sarah and Freddie at Malibu last
week and LA in the Summer. here
new look-a-like photo has been submitted by a fan.
site will have a new layout near the end of December.

Sunday, Oct. 28, 2001
|| posted by: webmaster
Catch will be available on Video and DVD, Dec. 4,
will be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Monday,
November 5th.
small tidbit:
Gellar is planning to tie the knot with longtime beau
Freddie Prinze Jr. later this year. The two are also
costarring together as Fred and Daphne respectively
in the upcoming big-screen version of Scooby-Doo.
Source: yahoo
Sunday, Oct. 14, 2001 || posted by: webmaster
Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been a very busy
month. I'm trying my best to keep up with the news.
Thank you to everyone who have e-mailed me.
updated the media section. here
candid photo here
fan story has been added here

Monday Sept 3, 2001
10 photos from the premiere of Summer Catch
1 photo from MTV TRL (Aug 20, 2001) here
1 new fan story here
The Official site for Scooby Doo has a teaser
up. www.scoobydoo.com
Summer Catch is 9th on the Box Office this
week with $13.5 million. see
ESPN let Freddie Prinze Jr. conduct SportsCenter's
Sunday Night Conversation with Derek Jeter and
he did the voice-over for Mariners-Yankees highlights.
Recent articles on Freddie:
Hollywood Casting reports that Freddie may have
signed on to play a part in as of yet untitled
Martial Arts film. Here's the link: http://www.castingnews.org/prinze_freddie.html
ESPN interview with Freddie: http://www.espn.go.com/page2/s/questions/prinze.html
This site has some video footage from the SC premiere:

Monday, Aug 13, 2001
Here is Freddie's schedule for tv appearances:
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - Wednesday, Aug
22nd at 11:35 EST on NBC
The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn Thursday,
Aug 23rd at 1:30 AM EST on CBS
Freddie and Sarah attended the Teen Choice
Awards yesterday, August 12 at the Universal
Amphitheatre in Los Angeles, which will air
from 8 to 10 p.m. ET on August 20 on Fox.
I have added 13 photos here
I also added 9 more photos from the premiere
of 'The Others' here
Coming August 20 to Philadelphia: A Special Screening
and Cocktail Party with Director/Producer Michael
Tollin! Doug Glanville, Pat Burrell, and Mike
Lieberthal from the Philadelphia Phillies and
some of the cast from Summer Catch will also be
in attendence.
Friday, Aug 10, 2001
Freddie was at the premiere of 'The Others'
on Aug. 8th. I added 2 photos. here
There was an short article on Freddie and
Sarah on last weeks issue of TV Guide. article
2 scans from TV Guide are added here
Kari has just joined the site as the news
and article updater. She has helped me with
magazine scans and news. If you have a few minutes,
please send thanks to Kari at kari@ilovefreddie.com
Sunday, Aug 5, 2001
I've just added 3 scans from CosmoGirl! Sept
issue.here (Big thanks
to Kari)
1 new Premiere of Moulin Rouge picture has
been added. here
1 new MTV Movie Awards picture has been added.
Reminder that the Summer Catch premiere will
be on August 7th in LA.
Sarah and Freddie are going to be on the cover
of this week's TV Guide, August 6th as Young
Hollywood in Love
Sarah Michelle Gellar will be honored at the
ceremony with the extraordinary achievement
award at the Teen Choice Awards August 12 at
the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles, which
will air from 8 to 10 p.m. ET on August 20 on
Fox. Freddie will be there too.
There will be a preview (teaser) for Scooby
Doo at the beginning of Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone, opening November 16th in theaters.
HBO will be airing a "Making of Summer Catch"
on Friday, August 17th, at 11:45 EST.
Freddie and the cast of Summer Catch will
host "This Week in Baseball" on FOX network
Saturday, August 18th at 12:30 PM EST.
Head Over Heels is now on DVD!
Friday, Aug 31, 2001
6 new Summer Catch photos here
Check out the live webcast of the premiere
of Summer Catch from Warner Brothers. here
Hollywood.com also has a video clip of the
red carpet premiere of Summer Catch. here
Thursday, Aug 30, 2001
51 new Summer Catch premiere photos here
11 new Summer Catch promotion photos in Planet
Hollywood here
5 new candid photos of Sarah and Freddie here
3 candid photos from Rick Dee's interview
Rick Dee had an interview with Freddie audio
Katrillion.com also has an interivew with
Freddie here
There is an article on Freddie in US Weekly
September 3
Friday, Aug 17, 2001
Extra had an interview with Freddie on Summer
Catch. Watch the video clip
Here are some of the recent articles on Freddie:
Gellar and Prinze Plot Private Wedding here
Prinze Knows the Secret to Hollywood Love
Jessica Biel talks about how Freddie took
her "under his wing" here
Prinze Blasts Scooby Web Critics here
Warner's promoting Scooby Doo here
Note: I will be leaving for L.A. tomorrow
and won't be back until Aug. 22 or 23. This will
be the last update until I get back. The adminstrator
will be looking over the tech support of the site.

Sunday, July 29, 2001
Small update today:
5 video caps from She's All That here
If you haven't already seen Hollywood.com's
interview w/ Freddie for Head Over Heels, download
it here
Summer Catch updates:
Coming August 2 to Cape Cod: A Special Screening
with Director/Producer Michael Tollin and legendary
baseball announcer Curt Gowdy! To purchase tickets
call (508) 385-6260. For further information
go the
Official Website of the Cape Cod Baseball League.
Proceeds will benifit Cape Cod Baseball,
a nonprofit organization.
...and coming August 20 to Philadelphia: A Special
Screening and Cocktail Party with Director/Producer
Michael Tollin! Doug Glanville, Pat Burrell,
and Mike Lieberthal from the Philadelphia Phillies
and some of the cast from Summer Catch will
also be in attendence. Theater: TBD
Thursday, July 26, 2001
CosmoGirl! is relaunching their all new website
on August 6! And Freddie Prinze Jr. (CG!'s September
issue cover guy) is a MAJOR part of it! The
centerpiece of the site is the "Survival of
the Sexiest" poll that lets the readers decide
which hot celebrity will be on the COVER of
CosmoGIRL!'s next "Sexiest Guys of the World"
issue. Each month, the guys with the most votes
will go on to the next round, but the 5 guys
with the fewest votes will be replaced! Freddie
needs his fans' help to beat out all the other
guys! go
I just added a new video section. Now you
can download all your favourite Freddie movie
Wednesday, July 25, 2001
Download the latest wallpaper. here
Tuesday, July 24, 2001
The site was down a couple of days ago because
I changed to a new hosting company. Sorry for
not letting you know ahead of time. I didn't
know it had to take 72hrs to activate. The site
is now faster and hopefully won't go down anymore.
There are a few changes. The e-mail login
website is now
As for Freddie:
4 new scans from InStyle Magazine. here
Also, the article from the Aug. issue of Instyle
is transcripted here
(thanks Kari)
1 new pic from Golden Globes. here
Wednesday, July 11, 2001
1 new pic of Freddie at yesterdays All-Star
game. here
2 candid pics of Sarah and Freddie. here
1 new mag scan of Freddie. here
1 Golden Globe pic. here
Friday, July 6, 2001
Kari has sent me three exclusive pics from
the premiere of Boys And Girls.
Friday, July 6, 2001
Kari has sent me three exclusive pics from
the premiere of Boys And Girls.
Reminder to Seattle fans, Freddie will be
at the ALL Star game this sunday (July 8-10)
at Pacific Northwest.
Monday, July 3, 2001
I finally finished re-designing the site.
Sorry for the long delay. Feel free to e-mail
me and tell me what you think of the new layout.
I will be uploading more pics this week,
so don't forget to check it out.
Summer Catch updates:
Coming July 8 - 10 to Seattle: ALL-STAR WEEKEND!
Sunday: Freddie Prinze Jr., Jessica Biel, Matthew
Lillard, Marc Blucas and Wilmer Valderrama at
a celebrity softball game followed by a screening
of Summer Catch. Director/Producer Michael Tollin
will also be there. Theater: TBD Tuesday: The
All Star Game!
Sunday, July 15, 2001
1 candid pic here
2 scans from Star Magazine here
Friday, July 13, 2001
Here are some of the contests on Summer Catch:
Maybelline contest to win a free trip
to the Summer Catch LA Premiere. (ends 11:59
PM (EST) 07/30/01)
Teenmag.com contest to win tickets
to the premiere (ends 11:59 PM (EST) 07/30/01)
Thursday, July 12, 2001
Quick update...
3 new 'Summer catch' pics have been added.
1 new All Star Game pic. here

Tuesday June 26, 2001
I just finished redesigning my Mark Wahlberg
site. Please check it out! I'm hoping that I
can find some time to redesign the layout of
this site too.www.markwahlbergfan.com
Monday June 25, 2001
I added one more scan from Twist magazine
(Thanks Kari). here
Freddie will be the "Man of Style" in the
August issue of In Style magazine. It will be
on newstands July 20th.
Saturday June 23, 2001
I added a video clip from the Premiere of
Moulin Rouge. mpg
2 new scans from July issue of M Magazine
& Twist magazine (Thanks Nadia). here
Friday June 22, 2001
36 new Summer Catch pics. here
2 new candid pics of Sarah & Freddie: on
the set of Scooby Doo and arriving in LA from
Australia. here
1 new pic from Moulin Rouge premiere has
been added. here
Watch the new quicktime (high bandwidth)
of the Summer Catch trailer. here
Thursday June 21, 2001
The official Summer Catch website is up and
running. The premiere of Summer Catch will be
on August 7th. www.summercatch.com
Wednesday June 20, 2001
1 Teen Choice Award pic has been added. here
3 pics from Moulin Rouge premiere are added.
1 new candid pic of Sarah and Freddie. here

April 30, 2001
I added 3 more new pics from Teen People's
May issue. (Thanks, Ashley) here
There is also a small article from TV Guide
on Freddie. read
it here
Don't forget to visit Ashley's Ryan site.
Monday, April 29, 2001
1 new pic from the cover of Teen People.
(Thanks, Ashley) here
Sunday, April 28, 2001
E! online Ted Casablanca has the gossip on
Freddie and Sarah's relationship. read
it here
I added the cover story on Freddie from Teen
People magazine. (Thanks, Tyeco) read
it here
Thursday, April 26, 2001
1 new pic from Golden Globes Award here
1 new pic from premiere of Boys and Girls
1 candid pic here
2 new acticles and transcripts from Sugar
and Access Hollywood. here
I am going to change to a faster hosting company
because traffic is constantly increasing in this
site. This will mean that you will be able to
see more media and pictures and download them
faster. I will try to get the new host by this
week (or the next). I am still trying to save
up the money for the cost, so it might take me
a week.
JR. are engaged!
Source: Entertainment
Sarah's publicist today confirmed that she and
Freddie Prinze Jr. have gotten engaged. The
24-year-old star of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
made the announcement to friends at a joint
birthday party with her ICM agent EDDY YABLANS
on Saturday night in Los Angeles. She and her
25-year-old actor fiancé have been dating for
about one year. Prinze presented Gellar with
an engagement ring designed by CATHY WATERMAN.
No date has been set for the wedding. The two
are currently filming the live-action movie
of 'Scooby Doo.'
Congratulations Freddie!
Freddie is nominated for one of Movieline's
Young Hollywood Award.
Download a Freddie Prinze Jr. desktop screen
saver. here
1 new photo shoot pic here
Freddie was selected as Teen People's "25
hottest stars under 25" more
ILoveFreddie.com was selected as one of the top
fan websites in April/June issues of Teen People,
Seventeen and Dolly Magazine. Thank you everyone
for visiting my site!

May 26, 2001
Instead of e-mailing me with questions, you
can chat with me live whenever I am online.
Saturday, May 26, 2001
I've made 2 new wallpapers. here
Thursday, May 24, 2001
I added 3 more pics from the premiere of 'Moulin
Rouge'. here
1 new Golden Globe pic has been added. here
Wednesday, May 23, 2001
Freddie and Sarah attended the premiere of 'Moulin
Rouge' on May 21. I added new pics. here
I found another 'Summer Catch' trailer with
higher quality. here
I just bought the June/July issue of Teen People.
I re-scanned all the pictures so that they all
have a higher resolution.here
Sunday, May 20, 2001
Here's a pic of Sarah and Freddie's house
in LA.
I've added 6 video caps from the Golden Globes
Award. here
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
I added another media clip on Scooby Doo from
Access Hollywood. real
audio (2.2MB)
There is also a short press conference clip
from E! quicktime
Saturnday, May 5, 2001
1 new cast pic from Scooby Doo. here
Wednesday, May 2, 2001
1 more Teen People pic has been added. here


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