You've met Freddie? Send your story to

Sonia's encounter with Freddie
February 15th, 2003
London, England
. .A guy in a black tracksuit thing came out and started
towards us. Everyone was silent and I held my breath
as I had an inkling at the back of my mind that it was
in fact, Freddie, but i still wasn't too sure until he
came up close and it was! Freddie Prinze Jr was standing
no more than 3 cm away from me! Everything was a blur from
then on. I had a list in my mind of what to say to him.
Things like, "how are you liking England?" "Do
you miss Sarah?" "Can we see your tattoo?" But
the words just wouldn't come out. I thrust my programme
and my [green] marker pen forward (dropping the lid in
the process) and he took it and signed MY programme first
with MY pen! He then took the card (that i had made the
night before) from my hand and started to sign that too.
But then i said, "no, Freddie, i want you to have
that. Please, take it" and he said, "oh, you
want me to keep it?" in this really gorgeous American
accent, and i said, "yeah, please. I love you so much." And
he did - he put it in his pocket!
I have
to admit, i thought about moving away and letting other
people come forward, but i thought, no, i was here
first and i want my pen back. Sorry people! But as he was
moving away from left to right trying to sign everyone's
programme he was just gazing at his face. And then i felt
the urge to reach out and touch him. So i did. I touched
his left hand with my left hand. I squeezed his fingers
(while he was writing, but i just didn't think) and i was
sure he squeezed mine back.. And then i cried..."
Read more here
Photos here

"Well, I saw Freddie at the Summer Catch Premiere in Westwood
last night (August 22, 2001)! It was great! Everyone was
waiting for him to arrive! I guess it was " save the
best for last " hehe :: wink wink :: But
soon as the announcer said that Freddie had just arrived,
everyone just started screaming! He went for his press pictures
for a few minutes and went right on to the fans! Everyone
just kept screaming, " Freddie, sign this please!! "
or " Freddie, I love you! " He was so nice and
sweet. All the other celebrities were cool, but they only
a few autographs and just headed into the theater...but not
Freddie. He took his time and signed everyone's note pads,
video tapes, posters..we just had a blast! Once he was coming
over I was like, " hey Fredddieeeeee!! Please come
over here! " And he smiled and walked over. In my
head I was like..omg...I can't believe it! And while he
was signing my
autograph book ( which had many other signatures of other
celebs ) I took like 4 pictures of him...I mean I was so
cause I had one of the best spots in the place cause everyone
was just crowded everywhere. I was right behind the small
fence that devided us from the celebs..OMG I still can't
believe it! Well..that was my Freddie experience... "
Park, California
August 20th, 2001, I went to TRL hoping to catch
a glimpse
of Freddie. So I went, and I had my poster. It said
"Freddie your my summer catch!" because of
the movie coming out that Friday. So sure enough,
picked me, Melissa, from the crowd, to spend the rest
of the day with him. It was so awesome and it was
because of TRL in New York! I got to go to a photo
shoot and a press conference with him, and I also
got the
chance to see the movie Summer Catch before it even
came out!. "
Melissa Lozano
August 20th, 2001, my best friend and I decided to go
TRL to catch a glimpse of our FAVORITE actor, the one and
only, Freddie Prinze Jr. We both stood there with our
screaming our lungs out to wait until freddie would walk
over by the window and wave to all the fans. But before
that, my friend got chosen to go upstairs and be his guest
to the premeire of Summer Catch at Planet Hollywood.
guy wouldn't let me go with her into the studio but they
did allow me to go to Planet Hollywood with her. I was
Freddie for a few minutes and got to take a picture with
him he signed my magazine. We then got to watch Summer
4 days before it was released! He was the most down to
earth guy, and was much hotter in person!!!"

it wasn't actually me that met Freddie it was my mum.
was in L.A. at the time and she saw him in the bar. She
went over and asked him for an autograph for me. He
so lovely. He even bought my mum a drink and they talked
for almost a half hour before he had to go. Now, if
isn't one sweet guy I don't know who is."

was in hollywood and was just looking around when I saw
who looked just like Freddie. I wasn't sure if it was really
him until another girl asked for his autograph. I went
to him and asked for an autograph. I spoke to him for about
5 minutes. When I was about to leave he pointed to the
I was holding and asked if he could take a picture with me.
I was thrilled!! For the rest of the day I spoke about
else but him!" Aisha
