50 Most Beautiful 2000
April, 2000

the pain, the pain! "It only takes 30 seconds to pluck
my eyebrows, but it hurts," says Freddie Prinze Jr. "I
have to tweeze 'em in the middle once a week. Otherwise, I look
like Bert from Sesame Street. I've been doing it for 11 years!"
And you thought it was easy being a teen idol. Still, the 24-year-old
Prinze doesn't have to do much other grooming to draw young females
to the box office. His routine? "I shower, throw some goop
in my hair, get dressed, head out." But it's his manner,
not his matter, that impresses. "He's the kindest person,
and that shows on his face," says Jennifer Love Hewitt, 21,
his costar in I Know What You Did Last Summer as well as its sequel.
Selma Blair, 27, who played with Prinze in the recent romantic
comedy Down to You, agrees. "He's the kind of guy who sees
you to your car and makes sure everything's all right," she
says. "And he's the easiest person to make eye contact with.
Girls really respond to the angel they see in him." On the
set, however, Prinze can be a devil. "He was always making
faces when I was trying to do a serious scene," says She's
All That's Rachael Leigh Cook, 20. "He's there with his finger
in his nose trying to make me laugh." The actor fuels his
sense of humor with a major comic book jones. "I learned
to read from comic books," says Prinze, who escaped into
their pages while growing up in Albuquerque, where he was raised
by his mother, Kathy Cochran, 50, a real estate agent. (He was
only 10 months old when his father, Chico and the Man's Freddie
Prinze, committed suicide at age 22.) The character he relates
to most: Spider-Man. "Because in the comics he and I looked
exactly the same. He was a kid who didn't fit in, then got this
power and really didn't fit in, but he did good with it."
The 6'1" Prinze doesn't do too badly himself. He's dating
Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Sarah Michelle Gellar, 23. In addition
to swimming to keep fit, Prinze indulges in a childhood passion
he rediscovered two years ago. "Tap dancing is something
I love," he says, "and I've been working on it to get
really good." When it's time to chow down, he's an enthusiastic
omnivore. "I love food, man!" he says. "If it doesn't
eat me first, I'll pretty much eat it." Prinze isn't finicky
about his celebrity either. He doesn't mind at all when fans ask
for his autograph. "It's cool," he says. "It's
their way of showing me love."
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